22/06/2011, 11:46 AM
In this tutorial I will show you how to install your favorite plugins on your PSP.
Only for PSP 1000/2000 with pandorable motherboard's.
For this tutorial I will use 6.39 ME-9 for example.
I will add these plugins to my flash0:/KD/
CXMB.prx (support for custom themes)
Hold.prx (Battery saver)
Led Control.prx (Turn ON/OFF PSP lights)
fx_powerspoof.prx (Update PSP even with 20% or less charge)
PassCtrl.prx (Password Protect PSP)
cfe_loader.prx (Custom Firmware Extender)
CFWBlock.prx (Hide ISO folder from Sony)
game_categories.prx (Categorize homebrew)
"V" » VSH
"G" » GAME
"P" » POPS
"A" » APP
"E" » UMDEMU(NP9660 game)
"M" » MLNAPP( comic reader)
Download BTCNF Editor for Fat PSP
Download BTCNF Editor for Slim PSP
1: Download BTCNF Editor for your PSP model.
2: Extract the zip file using 7zip or winRAR.
3: Press SELECT
on your PSP to bring up the VSH MENU.
4: Change "USB DEVICE" to "Flash 0".
![[Image: memoryv.png]](http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/2253/memoryv.png)
![[Image: flash0b.png]](http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/589/flash0b.png)
5: Connect PSP to computer using USB cable.
6: Go to "My Computer" then open your PSP USB drive. (for example my one is (O:)
7: On Windows 7 you have to go to "Organize" and then "Folder and search options" and then "View", then click on Show hidden files, folder, and uncheck Hide protected operating system files. To be able to see KD folder.
8: Copy your custom plugins to your KD folder.
9: Copy the 3 Bin files named pspbtjnf_02g.bin , pspbtknf_02g.bin , pspbtlnf_02g.bin Which is in the flash0:/KD/ (for Fat PSP copy pspbtjnf.bin , pspbtknf.bin , pspbtlnf.bin) to the same folder as your Editor. (note 6.39 ME-9 only has pspbtjnf_02g.bin)
10: Start the "Decompiler" it will turn the bin files to txt so you could edit them using a txt editor. (I use Notepad++)
11: Edit the 3 txt files and add your custom plugins like this and put them inbetween the RED highlighted plugins which are shown in the example below.
13: Now replace the old bin files in your flash0:/KD/ folder with the new ones.
[Warning make sure you have placed your custom plugins in the KD folder with the same name as your editing.]
Only for PSP 1000/2000 with pandorable motherboard's.
For this tutorial I will use 6.39 ME-9 for example.
I will add these plugins to my flash0:/KD/
CXMB.prx (support for custom themes)
Hold.prx (Battery saver)
Led Control.prx (Turn ON/OFF PSP lights)
fx_powerspoof.prx (Update PSP even with 20% or less charge)
PassCtrl.prx (Password Protect PSP)
cfe_loader.prx (Custom Firmware Extender)
CFWBlock.prx (Hide ISO folder from Sony)
game_categories.prx (Categorize homebrew)
"V" » VSH
"G" » GAME
"P" » POPS
"A" » APP
"E" » UMDEMU(NP9660 game)
"M" » MLNAPP( comic reader)
Download BTCNF Editor for Fat PSP
Download BTCNF Editor for Slim PSP
1: Download BTCNF Editor for your PSP model.
2: Extract the zip file using 7zip or winRAR.
3: Press SELECT
![[Image: select.png]](http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22694408/PSPICONS/select.png)
4: Change "USB DEVICE" to "Flash 0".
![[Image: memoryv.png]](http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/2253/memoryv.png)
![[Image: flash0b.png]](http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/589/flash0b.png)
5: Connect PSP to computer using USB cable.
6: Go to "My Computer" then open your PSP USB drive. (for example my one is (O:)
7: On Windows 7 you have to go to "Organize" and then "Folder and search options" and then "View", then click on Show hidden files, folder, and uncheck Hide protected operating system files. To be able to see KD folder.
8: Copy your custom plugins to your KD folder.
9: Copy the 3 Bin files named pspbtjnf_02g.bin , pspbtknf_02g.bin , pspbtlnf_02g.bin Which is in the flash0:/KD/ (for Fat PSP copy pspbtjnf.bin , pspbtknf.bin , pspbtlnf.bin) to the same folder as your Editor. (note 6.39 ME-9 only has pspbtjnf_02g.bin)
10: Start the "Decompiler" it will turn the bin files to txt so you could edit them using a txt editor. (I use Notepad++)
11: Edit the 3 txt files and add your custom plugins like this and put them inbetween the RED highlighted plugins which are shown in the example below.
Editing Example Wrote:$/kd/sysmem.prx VGUPAEM12: After editing save the txt files and Start the "Recompiler" which will change the txt files back to .bin.
$/kd/sysmem.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/loadcore.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/exceptionman.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/interruptman.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/threadman.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/dmacman.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/systimer.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/iofilemgr.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/memlmd_02g.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/modulemgr.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/systemctrl_02g.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/init.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/loadexec_02g.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/lowio.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/ge.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/idstorage.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/syscon.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/rtc.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/lfatfs.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/clockgen.prx VGUAEM
$/kd/mediaman.prx VGUA
$/kd/ata.prx VGU
$/kd/umdman.prx VGU
$/kd/umdcache.prx G
$/kd/umd9660.prx VGU
$/kd/isofs.prx VGU
$/kd/display_02g.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/ctrl.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/led.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/power_02g.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/msstor.prx VGPAEM
$/kd/codepage.prx VGPAEM
$/kd/fatms.prx VGPAEM
$/kd/clockgen.prx P
$/kd/codec_02g.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/audio.prx VGUAEM
$/kd/hpremote_02g.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/openpsid.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/msstor.prx U
$/kd/codepage.prx U
$/kd/fatms.prx U
$/kd/usb.prx VGAEM
$/kd/wlan.prx VGUAEM
$/kd/wlanfirm_02g.prx VGUAEM
$/kd/registry.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/mgr.prx VPEM
$/kd/msaudio.prx V
$/kd/chkreg.prx VUP
$/kd/mesg_led_02g.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/semawm.prx V
$/kd/amctrl.prx VGPAEM
$/kd/npdrm.prx VPEM
$/kd/iofilemgr_dnas.prx VGPAEM
$/kd/np9660.prx EM
$/kd/isofs.prx EM
$/kd/chnnlsv.prx VP
$/kd/utility.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/horoscope.prx GE
$/kd/idmanager.prx P
$/kd/popsman.prx P
$/kd/me_wrapper.prx VGUAEM
$/kd/vaudio.prx VU
$/kd/impose_02g.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/vshbridge_msapp.prx A
$/kd/avcodec.prx V
$/kd/vshbridge.prx VU
$/kd/mediasync.prx VGUPAEM
$/kd/mlnbridge.prx M
$/kd/mlnbridge_msapp.prx M
$/kd/vshctrl_02g.prx V
$/kd/game_categories.prx V
$/kd/HOLD.prx VGPA
$/kd/cfe_loader.prx VGA
$/kd/CXMB.prx V
$/kd/fx_powerspoof.prx U
$/kd/LEDControl.prx V
$/kd/CFWBLOCK.prx G
$/kd/passctrl.prx V
$%/kd/usersystemlib.prx VGUPAEM
$%/vsh/module/mlncmn.prx M
$%/vsh/module/mcore.prx M
$%/vsh/module/mlnapp_proxy.prx M
$%/vsh/module/libfont_hv.prx P
$%/vsh/module/pafmini.prx P
%%/kd/dummy_anchor_IhariUafaayk98.prx GUAEM
$%/kd/libatrac3plus.prx V
$%/vsh/module/paf.prx V
$%/vsh/module/common_gui.prx V
$%/vsh/module/common_util.prx VP
$%/vsh/module/libpspvmc.prx P
%%/kd/dummy_anchor_IhariUafaayk98.prx P
$%%/vsh/module/vshmain.prx V
13: Now replace the old bin files in your flash0:/KD/ folder with the new ones.
[Warning make sure you have placed your custom plugins in the KD folder with the same name as your editing.]