Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Click4Click granted ! Play the game !
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Pages: 1 2
No... I have boots on but i´m not a bot... Or i´m a big ugly bot that even speak for him self... No, just another bad and not much talented baby spammer that even don't know how to use a multiposter... No, real spammers don´t are very proud of guys like me... I´m a little bit the blacksheep of the family... One of this days the spammer mafia gonna kill me because of me trashy work...
I'm restoring your thread because I am amused.
sooooo this is some kind of a game????? Yay i still don't get how to play Emptyone
You get nowhere by playing this game...
I bet this triggered the sPa/\/\ bot detector. But yeah, sPa/\/\ bots don't usually reply back.
well i thought it was before it replyed so now it think its something trying gain free things by click ads
You don't got to be a bot to be a spammer, imo.
Go try this over at 4chin SUCK, see what they say.
0.o??? Smart Bots can respnd??? right?
Pages: 1 2
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