Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]To busy elsewhere,. :( looks very good Madwin glowing text won't work on the PSP though,..

I know you can't make the clock glow but the XMB text you can.
Quote:I know you can't make the clock glow but the XMB text you can.

Knurr Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:I know you can't make the clock glow but the XMB text you can.


Icons and thumbnails glow so I have a feeling that you can use some sort of offset to make text do the same. I could be wrong...

Or just remove the text in the RCO and use the glowing text as icons.
Knurr Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:I know you can't make the clock glow but the XMB text you can.


Easy.. center main icons » make text subicons and glow focuses. Then just reduce space between subs and voila, the subs would not be that big so it wouldn't take up to many resources. If you were to start running out of resources you could just make a universal glow that fits with all the subs and redirect the glows to that single one.
Pages: 1 2
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