Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.20/6.35/6.39 PRO-B7 released !
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Coldbird and VF have released the PRO-7 CFW!

        [!] Fixed NODRM Engine (DDF012 DLC Costume Bug)
        [!] Improved Inferno Game Compatiblity (GTA China Town, Corda2f, etc.)
        [!] Updated scePower_driver NID Resolver
        [!] Added Configuration Reset on PRO Update
        [!] Added DA psp-packed user module support
        [+] Added UMD VIDEO / GAME XMB Mount Feature (No UMD required, allows for Game Updates)
        [+] Added Custom IPL Flasher for 6.39 PRO (1g, 2g hackable mainboard permaflash)
        [+] Added non latin1 ISO filename support
        [+] Added memory stick speedup option
        [+] Added ISO cache option (available in Inferno and NP9660)


So its official NOW?
Not nightly build, right?
perma patch on 6.39 cool, ive just tested it, (hackable board) might be better if supports 3k and g0
this is really thanks to open source.... see how fast it is going from B6 to B7? MS speedup is such a blessing, I've never knew.... lol
Works great on my Go, thanks guys Yay
Only thing is that Ridge Racer PSX still doesn't play the music tracks, with the M33 cfw you had to select an older pops version to make it work...

Future requests; implement audioboost.prx to boost the volume and HtmlMax to enable better websurfing
So the 6.39 Pro B7 perm won't work on 3k?
anyone tried the UMD VIDEO feature on a PSP-Go??
it doesn't support psp go,,
the option won't appear on VSH menu
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]anyone tried the UMD VIDEO feature on a PSP-Go??

Too lazy to upgrade, thanks for the news though.
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