Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.20/6.35/6.39 PRO-B7 released !
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I lol'd ^
i gag'd
nIce updaTe ,. thNkS tO aLl hOw cReAtEd this !! ,.
jonatzknight Wrote: [ -> ]nIce updaTe ,. thNkS tO aLl hOw cReAtEd this !! ,.

You make me want to strike a small child.
Does it work on a 3k?
Does it have a perma patch (6.39 one)? If it does, what are the advantages over 6.39 ME-6? Or shouldn't bother?
shaplayer Wrote: [ -> ][+] Added Custom IPL Flasher for 6.39 PRO (1g, 2g hackable mainboard permaflash)

Perma patch is in the changelog. As for the advantages, its really just a matter of taste, though not sure if ME has the inferno driver, which is meant to be very good
roberth Wrote: [ -> ]Perma patch is in the changelog. As for the advantages, its really just a matter of taste, though not sure if ME has the inferno driver, which is meant to be very good

I see. Thanks! By the way, should I launch PROUPDATE first and then apply the perma patch or just start with Custom IPL flasher? And from what CFW can you safely upgrade?
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