Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] Password Lock Plugin for CFW 6.39
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Do you guys remember the feature introduced by Total_Noob in 6.20 TN-E (also present in 6.39 TN-A), that enables simple password protection?

[Image: passctrl.png]


Neuron has also released it for CFW 6.39 as a plugin:)

Here is neur0ner's tweet:
PasswordLockPlugin for 6.39 http://t.co/wML26yA
2 hours ago

It has been tested on both 6.39 (L)ME-5 and 6.39 PRO-B6 (B7 also works, verifyed by cooldan613).


Reply if you like my thread/post:)
Works with 6.39 Pro B7!
Seriously?? double you tee eff?? 639???
cooldan613 Wrote: [ -> ]Works with 6.39 Pro B7!

Awesome! Thankx for verifying that:)
St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]Tnx!

/Off topic

Mind sharing your wallpaper?
junKie Wrote: [ -> ]/Off topic

Mind sharing your wallpaper?

i was just thinking that Ahaa
cool plugin, thanks.
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