Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Gods Eater Burst DLC Packages
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Ok Where Can i find more DLC content for GEB? i found a package that was claimed to be decrypted but they failed to load with my psp. The only DLC i have is the one that codestation released, are there more?
head over to pspiso or something....
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]head over to pspiso or something....

I DID... but their poo poo didnt work...
All my dlc from there works. Maybe your not using the latest version of nploader. And if that doesn't help then i don't know any other sites.
i have uh nploader 7... isn't that the most recent one?
If your using a PRO firmware.
Disable the "NoDrm Engine" in Recovery Menu/Advance

and enable your NP loader 7 in Plugins.
St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]If your using a PRO firmware.
Disable the "NoDrm Engine" in Recovery Menu/Advance

and enable your NP loader 7 in Plugins.

i have... the only DLC that works is codestations dlc pack

the codestation's one is the latest version for US
if you want to play more,, you can also use japanese version,, but it's kinda buggy
How Do Decrypt DLc PAcks Anyway?
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