![[Image: konata_vs_patty_by_kaztah-d3iz5xk.png]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/166/3/e/konata_vs_patty_by_kaztah-d3iz5xk.png)
her boobs are about to eat konata! XD
Didja draw this?
If so fantastic job as I can't seem to be able to draw anymoar. :/
@exbu the blond one.
she is the exchange student in the anime lucky star she comes out during the final episodes with konatas friends
she is the one responsible for the cheer leading in the end
Aspheric Wrote: [ -> ]Didja draw this?
@exbu the blond one.
no i just saw it and wanted to share
Aspheric Wrote: [ -> ]Didja draw this?
@exbu the blond one.
lol yeah, just wanted to know what anime she comes out in
I don't remember her boobs being that large, though the entire time I was watchig the show I thaughy they were elementary students until I got to the end, nor did I pay attention to busy sizes except for that one girl whos always sad she has no boobs. : |
hahahaha they don't look like high school students do they?
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]hahahaha they don't look like high school students do they?
Indeed they don't. Even watching them in school there's not much reason to think there are. Eheh.
Relatively large heads + flat chests = they look younger.
Also in Manabi Straight.
Lol @ the flag bra.