Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Diminishing PSN funds
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So I had gotten a 20 dollar PSN card, so i could get "The world of recycled vessels" DLC for NieR.
Anyways I had abunch of leftover money so I decided to spend the rest on whatever.  I had bought a dynamic ps3 theme, a few avatars, "threads of fate" for ps1, and yadda yadda yadda.  Then for some reason I started playing playstation home, i went in there bought some stuff for my person and then i played around for awhile, i saw something that was 59 cents in it and i went to te check out only having 49 cents i was like aww damn whish i had ten more... Then latter i went to go shopping again and I found something I wanted AND IT WAS 49 CENTS!!! So i go to the check out and I only have 39 cents? kung FUUUUUU, so i go screw around again, I go shopping again like two hours later, and when I needed just ten more cents to buy what I wanted, i went to go look at my funds seeing my ten cents that I wanted... My funds had diminished to ten cents without my authorization, NOW I'M POOR D:

so imma call customer support and hopefully get it back. : |

Long story short my psn money is disapearing slowly cent by cent...
Isn't tht called Binge Buying or something?
Hmm? No it's actually disapearing :/ like litteraly.
but nothing on PSN store costs $0.10
my soul does...
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]walnut?

no no, a WALL-NUT.
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]but nothing on PSN store costs $0.10

Stuff in Playstation Home are able to be ten cents :x

:/ Sucks I got to use real money though~
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