What Do You Think Is The Best Game Ending?
the best game ending that i have seen is Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater (PS2).
![[Image: mgs3_front.jpg]](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_hbnckP6EWnc/TE5MIxyXf0I/AAAAAAAAACI/6FwTuH3v3RQ/s1600/mgs3_front.jpg)
Persona 4 because it is the only game that made me cry when it ended
didn't play so many games with good story, can't decide between God Eater Burst or CC:FF7
The densetsu no kusoge. One ending, the psychics team up with the dolphins to create a new species and the future of mankind looks bright. LOL.
the Super Mario Bros (nes version), you'll get mad when youve run again with a toadstool that the princess is again in another castle then the harder 1-1 repeats again, lol
anyways FFIX for me, cool and light ending (and i like the mini game after post credits of the ending)
St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]the best game ending that i have seen is Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater (PS2)
Same here. The ending in MGS3 is just perfect.
Gameboy Super Mario Bros. Credits were just so good because they took 40% of my damn battery life. Complete it twice, and I became GOD. I could actually choose my level. double you tee eff?!? Level select?!? Yes. Level select. For that, SMB for the GB was the pinacle of my life. Nothing could ever compare.
Hmm Halo 3 which leads into the Movie Halo: Legends.
And I Would Have to say Fallout 3, i havent finished New Vegas yet but still.
The Legend of Dragoon.
I cried for days after I finished that game. I need a life :/