Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Rawrsor's Spriting
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So I like to sprite N Stuff, so this is where i will place most of my works.

Minecraft: Redstone Pick Axe
[Image: redstonepick.png]

Minecraft: Obsidian Pick Axe.
[Image: pickaxeobsidian.png]

Minecraft: Redstone Armor
[Image: redstonearmor.png]

Minecraft: Obsidian Armor
[Image: obsidarmor.png]

There will be moar to come. Knock-knock
so this are sprites for ?
^ They're not for anything. It's just a little hobby. But you could actually use them for minecraft. ^_^

*Rawrsor gets his Obsidian Pick Axe and Smashes Zombie Shady into Undead bits.
^ Do you liek ma sprites stormage?
i like the red one bro.
but the black one......nah it's ok
but i still like the red one
Dang, I wish I could Implement this into Lamecraft. Drakon, Hurry up and make weapons! Knock-knock
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