Endless Paradigm

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Check out how much this guy is selling his iPhone for...

The outrageously priced iPhone
Like anyone would buy that
psh, that is so stupid
YoYoBalls Wrote:Like anyone would buy that

Ya never know....

Seriously, though, in a world where everyone craps their pants at the thought of some new advanced technology, that's probably a good way to become a millionaire.
he states in the first lines of the auction that he doesn't expect to make 21 million dollars but he wouldnt turn it down.
instead hes doing it via the make me an offer feature meaning best offer will get it.
what better way to advertise than do something wacky but with purpose - it clearly worked. absolute genious.
Yeah, I just reread that part. It is absolute genius.
lol look at the questions and answers.

EDIT: he also has 100% positive feedback.
My god, he is brilliant. Next time some new tech comes out, I'm doing the same thing.
Me and my friends have done similar things on Neopets about 7 years ago (stick outrageously priced items to gain attention :P)
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