Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Anonymous will attack my country's goverment websites!!!
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Man those guys are so Badass. I wish i could join them. Yeah that would be awesome.
honestly I support Anonymous!Malaysia is so strict!!!
TheDarknessArrives Wrote: [ -> ]Man those guys are so Badass. I wish i could join them. Yeah that would be awesome.

Not to be a wet blanket i am sick and tired of hearing about Team Anon and their little "expect us bullchocolate". Am i The Only one whos tired of it?
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]Not to be a wet blanket i am sick and tired of hearing about Team Anon and their little "expect us bullchocolate". Am i The Only one whos tired of it?

The "Wee Are Legion" stuff? Yeah I know what you mean. I'd much prefer if they were as non-descript as the name suggests but hey - they're the hackers so let em do what they want to do. ^^'
Ah fudge you anon. These guys piss me off.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]Ah fudge you anon. These guys piss me off.

this a million times
At least they're getting the attention they've wanted.
well in the philippines anyone can hack the government website since its very not secured, lol, and i think almost twice a month they are being hacked
According to news,91 websites has been hacked and 51 of them belongs to government.today 76 websites has been successful recovers.
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