Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Infamous haxing group arrested
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Pages: 1 2
big brother grows stronger...
Most journalists don't seem to get the concept of Anonymous.
How can people pretend to be anonymous members?

You don't sign up, if you work under their guise then you are a member, there's no audition.

If you wish to be part of anonymous, then you can of your own will.
Not so anonymous anymore..
DCEmu is reporting that the Turkish Police have arrested 32 people allegedly affiliated with Anonymous cyber attacks.
Wow at Turkey... well today the via radio news the P R of the national police confirm that indeed the group suposedly attacked the web site of the authority.
Honestly im not happy with everything the group do , in the first place with $ony and because of geohot i was almost with them , but when they compromised all the personal data
of the users of PSN i don't agree offcourse. Neither with the credit card funds who got 'borrowed' , BUT here is the question did they really 'borrowed' the information for drak use of it?

Well its my opinion and i still have some simpaty for them.

PS : the journalist criticks are not reallly happy with the police press conference where they was almost making circus with the masks of vendeta etc etc
PS2 : there are not yet names of the arrested persons , so in the end they are anonymous....
gsmoke Wrote: [ -> ]but when they compromised all the personal data
of the users of PSN i don't agree offcourse. Neither with the credit card funds who got 'borrowed' , BUT here is the question did they really 'borrowed' the information for drak use of it?
Those intrusions were claimed actions by LulzSec, not Anonymous.

Ultimately, Anonymous just do stuff for the lulz.
The fact that they've caused so much drama is already an epic success in my book.
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