Endless Paradigm

Full Version: School Announcement
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Pages: 1 2
Due to a pirate attack on the school, I am issuing a lock down procedure.
All students and teachers are to remain in class. Teachers must mark the roll and make sure all students are here.
Students outside are to return to their class. If they have no class at the time, they must make their way to the nearest classroom.
im' cutting class!!!!!!

Don't blame me when the pirates get you... Err, wait, the school has to take full responsibility.

you're just a teacher >:D

* eKusoshisut0 flees!
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]you're just a teacher >:D

* eKusoshisut0 flees!

Do not say such things...

*xBu hides in his classroom.
* DataKRASH wanders the hallways
In response to the pirate attack, a team of ninjas has been deployed to defeat the pirates.

However, the ninjas may have trouble telling the difference between pirates and students, so all students are advised to remain in their classrooms until further notice.
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