Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How to use bathroom in skirt?
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So seriously oo
how do you do it?
Do you flip it? do you drop it to your knees?
HOW?! D:

question inspired by kampfer lol
I really think it depends on the length of the skirt.  If it's long (like the ones that reach the ankles...) you'll have to drop them, but if it's a mini-skirt, you can do it either way.  Depends on the person, really... and if they're wearing underwear, which I hope they would >_>

I don't like wearing skirts... 
on a side note, bathrooms are a great places to converse with complete strangers when on a drunken night out
the skirt is the place were the legendary white panty resides, therefore it must be protected and and pulled down to prevent wetting (with accidental urine stains left on the toilet)
O_o lol
I used to help girls when they got to the CR.

But it was one of my past.
Vacui_Natale Wrote: [ -> ]I really think it depends on the length of the skirt.  If it's long (like the ones that reach the ankles...) you'll have to drop them, but if it's a mini-skirt, you can do it either way.  Depends on the person, really... and if they're wearing underwear, which I hope they would >_>

I don't like wearing skirts... 

I had to laugh so hard at that post
It was very cute and informative =)
thank you :p
Okay okay...

how to use the bathroom in a one piece bathing suit? oo
You pull the straps down over your shoulders and slide the bathing suit down past your waist.
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