Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Recent Defacement of Books
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But there not school property =D
Yeah! They're not school property :P

* Vacui Natale says while drawing a penis on a random page in some random book >:D
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]But there not school property =D

Books that belong to the Library ARE school property.

Books that belong to students are NOT school property.
I'm the teacher and i allowed it in my classroom ~_~
I'm a god so i do what i want
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]I'm the teacher and i allowed it in my classroom ~_~

Then perhaps your teaching credentials need to be reviewed by Superintendent Chalmers....
Oh shi.....
I think it's pronounced Super Nintendo Chalmers
i am god so i order you to allow it!
-St0rMaGe- Wrote: [ -> ]I'm a god so i do what i want

I shall be the judge of that.
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