Lol, fake unofficial GBA games... haha (what? they downloaded the ROM and stuck it on a cartridge?)
Yeah, they do that. U get a gba box with only a cart inside, usually theres a carboard thing to hold the cart etc
but also like games that don't exist. Pokemon black chaos, and 653-in-1 carts etc. Fake games made by editing the rom replacing some texs and sprites with new ones
i got a nice 'armani' wallet for 8 eur and i could get a pretty cool (VERY bright) green laser pen for 7, but it was flimsy and i was out of cash. It burned when i shined it on my hand and u could see it a reaally long distance
Ooh, powerful lasers - lucky bastard. I WANT ONE!
i didnt get it
they had veery nice (and dangerous
and illegal)
O happy "B" day Ge64
sorry i am so late with it :(
BUT happy B day anyway :)
Here ya go, take an ordinary laser and turn it into a super laser that burns stuff!!!!
click here
cool, but it was green you know, much 1337er than red :P
thanks organ :D
SO Ge64 what do you want me to make you for a B day gift..?