Endless Paradigm

Full Version: WTF No Wifi???
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Pages: 1 2
Man I Cut Class So I Can Lounge On EP And Theres No WIFI??? Ugh How Lame...
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]Man I Cut Class So I Can Lounge On EP And Theres No WIFI??? Ugh How Lame...

go to class

don't cut Dotdotdot
But I'm Studying...
you must do your best in school young man
Or you'll end up like slushba

i used visit EP in class. Of course i didnt post. just visited for the lulz. Rebel power. Fortunately my final year of school is finally over bar exams
My exams are done :D

yay university~

Been done since the 26th
Uh Hello... NO FRIGGIN WIFI!!!!!!!!!!!
screw wifi, i have 3g
oooohhhh can i has?
Pages: 1 2
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