Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Ogichi + Light Yagami = EPICNESS
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Pages: 1 2 3
look dood, i know you like death note and all, but the hype died a few years ago. it's like going out the street right now and say back street boy is awesome. while some majority might think it's true, 100% of em don't really care about it.
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]Hahaha
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]look dude, i know you hate death note and all, but the hype died a few trillion years ago. it's like going out with michael jackson and playing a computer. While some majority might think it's true, 100% of em don't really give a damn about it.

I know XD
dot dot dot
jayhawk579 Wrote: [ -> ]I liek tu editz poost because i think i'mz cool and shiz!  it toataly neber bin dun before lolololol
O_O Wow duuude your right....
If they had a baby sumhow that kid woulld be scary spoon...
I saw that... Facepalm
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]I saw that... Facepalm

sorry im tring to hold back on my inappropriate behavior
i don't want to repeat my mistakes here in the void
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