Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Throws paperball.
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Pages: 1 2
* Sparker throws a paperball across the room.
*Rea_pErz scold Sparker for throwing a paperball across the room cause its not good to throw rubbish anywhere.
I was aiming for the waste bin...
lol....just joking... Proud
* boogschd sprays paper ball with lighter fluid in midair

* eKusoshisut0 lights paperball with his lighter
*UrbanHybrid Whacks The Flaming PaperBall Of Death Across The Room
* DataKRASH rips page out of Algebra text book

* DataKRASH balls it up and lights it on fire

* DataKRASH throws it at Eku

* eKusoshisut0 flees!
Um Knowledge is Flying?
Pages: 1 2
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