Endless Paradigm

Full Version: my minecraft creation
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just decided to upload some pics of my main minecraft project that's been going on for a while now... done all of this my self

[Image: 2011-05-24_012210.png]

[Image: 2011-05-24_012216.png]

[Image: 2011-06-02_103731.png]

(different building)

[Image: 2011-06-09_024635.png]

[Image: 2011-06-09_024638.png]
lovely work

big minecraft build are always awesome
that's pretty fantastic man
Woah.... O.O very nice!
That looks really great! Madwin
Vacui_Natale Wrote: [ -> ]That looks really great! Madwin
it's part of a current ongoing project of mine... going to make a whole kingdom eventually
Sounds awesome!! can't wait to see the finish projectAdore
That looks pretty nice, but I personally don't like all that cobblestone. Smooth stone for the win Madwin
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]That looks pretty nice, but I personally don't like all that cobblestone. Smooth stone for the win Madwin

wow that would take a lot of smelting....
Pages: 1 2
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