Bigger Updates! 
r17 - terrain colour changing for day/night
r16 - added light changing depending of day/night time
r15 - source update (Doesn't Compile)
r14 - added todo.txt (Doesn't Compile)
r13 - added lamecraft updater source to svn - added checking for new version in menu (Doesn't Compile)
r12 - connection dialog working - downloading file working
r11 - source update
Source Code Link
Change Log
More info is in the todo.txt :)
Very cool, thanks for the update ~_~
so lamecraft is continuing to be made by another guy now?
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]so lamecraft is continuing to be made by another guy now?
Its still being made by drakon the only thing is people can compile the new revisions them self so drakon does not have too.
cool...thanks for the update...
hey i just tried it.the day and night system is cool but even all the landscape has dark but the sky is still blue.and when it has fully dark I can't see anything.
Hope it gets fixed soon. I will compile it when it does.
nahh, I got a broken psp here and I'm gonna try this new on my broken psp (I'm gonna use remotejoylite to control it.)
Now wee need some tools and AI............. then spoon brix.
Thanks 4 the update