Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Breaking News: Nintendo Announces Wii U Console At E3
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don't like it!
hmm good controller, looks like a psv, lol

anyways its good nintendo do go hd with this console

and microsoft is going downhill at the e3 conference, lol
Wii Urinal?
Or just simply, Wee [on] You.
Are Nintendo deliberately trying to pick the stupidest names for a product and subsequent versions of it?
It's stupid :/

Taking a normal controller and making it bulky, expensive and inevitably heavy. Then again Nintendo is the king of overpriced peripherials.

A good concept, but i think the idea in practice will be dumb, and like the Wii, will be boring after a couple of years.

I saw reggie talk about it after, was constantly blithering on about it being 1080p, as if it was something new...

All games they played videos of in their presentation were PS3 and 360 games, and he admitted that. When asked if the games would look the same he dodged that and started blithering about 1080p again >_>

People bought the Wii because it was simple, for the kids, and cheap. Now they're ruining it by pining for "hardcore" games.

*sigh* it's just so retarded.
Yeah the controller is a beast for nothing and then saying the console is aimed at hardcore gamers is silly.
I at least admire them to have the balls to try something different.
I don't quite think the glorified controller will work, but then, I'm not the casual type gamer that they're probably targeting.
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