Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] 6.20 Dualboot REV B
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[Image: 0901E0011000348979.png]


Allows installing a dualboot on any PSP equipped with firmware 6.20.


- Main HEN function deleted because it cause conflicts with non-permanent rebootexes
- Changed emergency uninstall buttons (See README for newest buttons)
- Added 6.20 TN-E compatibility
- Made 6.20 TN-D as Main HEN
- Added possibility to remove Dualboot modules from Installer
- Enhanced Fake MS compatibility. Now, if you use a fake MS, you can start TN-D
- Added possibility to use PRO Recovery Menu (See README for buttons)
- Improved installation steps. Now, TN-D extraction isn't necesary
- Improved security system. Now, if you format your MS, you can start TN-D


A PSP equipped with firmware 6.20 .


- Download Easy 6.20 dualboot.
- Connect your PSP to the computer via USB .
- Pass your PSP in "USB mode" with the option "USB Connection".
- Right-click on the file you downloaded.
- Choose "Extract Files ..."( WinRAR is advised).
- Choose like destination the letter assigned to your PSP from your computer.
- Press OK and wait extraction files.
- Quit the "USB mode" on your PSP.

6.20 Dualboot REV B


Show your kindness and REP + Me.
Ok Bare with me, I Never Used this before and uh I want to Ask. What's the point of the DualBoot Thing?
Very old. You should read more careful before you post: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=26962
Still Doesn't Answer My Question...
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]Still Doesn't Answer My Question...
The name says everything. With this you can select two different 6.xx firmwares/(cfws) at PSP boot up Hi
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]Still Doesn't Answer My Question...
The name says everything. With this you can select two different 6.xx firmwares/(cfws) at PSP boot up Hi

That Sounds Lame, Why Have 2 CFW? Won't THat Fry the PSP's Memory? Internally wise?
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]Still Doesn't Answer My Question...
The name says everything. With this you can select two different 6.xx firmwares/(cfws) at PSP boot up Hi

That Sounds Lame, Why Have 2 CFW? Won't THat Fry the PSP's Memory? Internally wise?
No, it won't fry it. It loads them from the Ms and writes them then into the flash, but only temporary. Yeah, why have 2 CFW's. I'm fine with 6.39 PRO-B6 nightly Yay
Im Happy with with my 620 PRo B6 the TN CFW or whatever its called looks a little i don't know slow compared to Pro.
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