Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [VOTING] ProperBritish vs Heartless141
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Go ahead and vote for your favorite sig :)

Good luck to both contestants/battlers!!
and no i don't yell that during sex
lolo. I honesty am not sure on who to vote. They are both great sigs.

I'll have to make this decision when my mind is clear and my soul is cleansed.
Both sigs look great! :D

 I voted for the top one 
shoulda enable voter's name.
public poll? O:

I'll change it right away sir!

nevermind. I don't know how to do it T_T
yeah got to wait for some mod.
both are so cool... =)
already voted, was hard to decide though XD
HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]public poll? O:

I'll change it right away sir!

nevermind. I don't know how to do it T_T

there ya go =D
lol thanks ExBu!!

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