Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Why can't i buy things in the MyPlazaTurbo?
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I don't remember that.
I think it was Lunar that gave me the moon (how ironic) because he didnt want it, and loads of people asked for it... But simply because i asked first he gave it to me x)

Then some members got annoyed they didnt get it.
I remember cause Lunar gave me 500 E-pigs :)
I remember that.  I think it was the "Trap my Smoocher" thread.
The abuse of the markets made the shop go out of business.

I gave that moon to lunar because he was my friend. AND HE GAVE IT AWAY!!!

gimme my moon back
And he gave it away cause he wanted a kiss from skyy. Liez pb, LIEZ!
: >
Oh dear..what will Lunar say now
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