Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Who is Rebecca Black?????
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HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]Stop begging for rep :/

* HawkeYe gives -rep to Nukez

Sadcorner im sorry i did not know it bothered you. ill be quiet so can you lift the neg rep?
Don't beg for rep, if people want to they'll give it to you. Okay ~_~
ExBu Wrote: [ -> ]Don't beg for rep, if people want to they'll give it to you. Okay ~_~

Sadcorner はい... わかりました...

i don't know why but i swear this is my first time asking
I thought this thread was about Rebecca Black... 
It was!

But this has gone way off topic.

Don't you just like the randomness lol
rep doesn't matter anyway

though if you feel really depressed it can validate your existance


I've done that once
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