so, according to my sister, to flip someone the bird in britain, you just hold up the number 2 on your fingerrs, i think otherwise, would i be correct?
Uhh, I have a friend who is from england and says that holding 2 fingers knuckles out is an insult. Apparently, in world war II or I the enemy used to cut off the soldiers fore fingers so that they couldn't ire their gun. Soldiers used to taunt the enemy by showing their 2 fingers. So, yes.
you mean like this?
Its means "Up yours mate"
yeah i do this sometimes
but as i grow up swearing becomes less cool
a single finger is not for us british
The two finger salute is our staple
oh he said only with fniger 2 so i presumed he meant one finger
i was confused, yeah 2 fingers is the way wee roll
*xBu learns something new...
* DataKRASH also learned something
in wales the middle finger is generally applied more often...