So I got my new computer and it is now pro enough to actually play video games and stream them at the same time. So for a large majority of the time for a large majority of the games I play I will have a livestream
Short url:
Also note: sometimes it works better than others... due to bandwidth and the fact that the program I'm using to stream is still in beta testing which reminds me, if anyone has an good livestreaming/broadcasting applications they have used in the past with success, I would love to hear of them. :3
That's great an' all but who's going to watch someone else play games?
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]That's great an' all but who's going to watch someone else play games?
lol. yeah true
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]That's great an' all but who's going to watch someone else play games?
If I saw someone playing a game, I'd probably start playing said game, instead of watching them. That being said, what are the PC's specs?
I always feel the way most people here do, but my friend sits there and watches livestreams all day...
and I've found plenty of people (usually pro gamers) who have hundreds of viewers.
you're far from a pro gamer
I'm willing to watch pro gamers, speed runners, people displaying amazing feats/glitches etc or bots playing a game.
I'd watch friends for the social interaction, but IDK about someone random I can't interact with. Maybe if you were reviewing a game, or adding your own commentary.
There you go...
these types of things have an audience somewhere
not saying anyone has to watch
just saying it's there if anyone is interested
Also I considered adding commentary but I'm pretty shy about that type of thing

If I'm on vent talking to people though my voice will be on the stream
speed runs are fun to watch...... lol
Updated stream url and info since I haven't been using the old one anyway
just if anyone is interested lol