Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Sig] Konata Izumi
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Pages: 1 2
Thanks for the comments everyone! :D

HawkeYe Wrote: [ -> ]Not bad..not bad at all. The font is a bit meh
I agree... Err... I'm having a hard time finding one that would go with this sig...

[Image: konatasossignature3.png]

[Image: konatasossignature2v1.png]

Well for now... I couldn't think of anything else to do with the border, but I made it thinner...  Instead of 3px it's now 1px.  I think it makes it look better.

Oh, and if you notice a difference, that's because I had to redo the whole sig, since I didn't save the first one before putting the text up there :/
Simple, but it's nice. The border works and the font isn't too bad.

Nicely done Vacui!
Thanks Sensei! :D
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]YES. PUT. IT. IN. YOUR. SIGNATURE.

And you call that noob work. Pishah. I couldn't have done it better. or could've I? Hoho

And yeah, the text. Look for some newer fonts on http://dafont.com

How do i install Fonts downloaded from that site into Photoshop?
left click and install, should show up in PS.

@ Natale Use the SIG Inluv
ExBu Wrote: [ -> ]@ Natale Use the SIG Inluv

Done :D
Fangirl Yay Madwin
ExBu Wrote: [ -> ]left click and install, should show up in PS.

Thank you ExBu. After I have install on Photoshop, can i delete the RAR file? Adore
Yeah, you can delete it, lol lets try not get offtopic anymore ~_~
ExBu Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, you can delete it, lol lets try not get offtopic anymore ~_~

I was gonna ask this in the Help section, but it's close.

@Natale, Like I said it's a good sig.
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