Endless Paradigm

Full Version: guy gets hiz account haXed
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at first i was laughing my donkey off but then I relized i would be angry too if my username was 'borrowed' on online accounts. My username is even on my main e-mail: x300nukez@gmail.com

 He seriously needs to get laid 
im not the uploader :/
Vacui_Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Hihi

 He seriously needs to get laid 

is it really that diffrent from a bj or a hj?
Sadcorner ive never goten laid...
boogschd Wrote: [ -> ]im not the uploader :/

lol wow i just noticed he has your title XD
that's sad but at the same time he is sad himself...
^lol i like how our avatars and signatures are similar in the blond tough guy look XD
^ my guy is brownhaired and doomed to die... i mean fulfill a contract.
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