Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Canon Rock (JerryC) - The Original
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What an awesome remake!!

P.S This Rocks!
I liked this version:
Source: YouTube
That's an awesome version Zinga! it's like the compilation of all the people who played the song...
This one's pretty cool too:
Source: YouTube
1:00 to 1:36 acoustic Version
* Slushba132 desperately tries to watch them all
I can only play parts of that song on guitar... Sadist
Jerry C's arrangement of Canon is indeed epic. It's always one of my favorite songs to play on guitar Adore
yeah ive seen both funtwo and Jerry C's version of this (but Jerry C is the original), so both of them are rocked

ive remembered the two have a concert together, hehehe

funtwo's version
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