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Full Version: [RELEASE] PSPident 0.74.2 by jas0nuk &Yoti
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Identify your PSP’s hardware (motherboard, module, possible CFW) with PSPident by jas0nuk & Yoti.


0.74 » 0.74.2
- Added new PSP-3000 with tachyon=820000 (shipped 6.35 / DATE CODE 1A)
-- Don't know what mobo they really has inside, so call they TA-095v2/Brite v4.1 for now
- "Brite" » "Bright"

UL: http://ul.to/bthucltw
MU: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=42BWC4IS
Source: http://lan.st/showpost.php?p=22270&postcount=50
so... is this signed like bsanehi hoped it to be?
wander why PSP module checker is 6mb and PSP ident is only like 119kb,. ;p

its not signed,. checked on ofw 638
No, bsanehi can hope what he want^^.

Yoti just added a new psp-3000 model.

@Veg & all:
Hehe, 900 posts :) Congrat me ^^
lol just wait I was looking for source code.
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]No, bsanehi can hope what he want^^.

Yoti just added a new psp-3000 model.

@Veg & all:
Hehe, 900 posts :) Congrat me ^^
Hihi congratz man! ;p
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]lol just wait I was looking for source code.

that's interesting info O_o , i was kinda hoping this would get signed,. ;)

[Image: pspident_000.jpg]

i knew 1 PSP-200 couldn't make pandora ;p
Thanks veg^^

The PSP-2000 can make a pandora but only with a psp s&l with a TA-088 v1 mobo and a TA-090 v1 mobo.

The v2 mobos are the "bad" ones my friend ;)
It says bat. EEPROM access: no,.
so i am guessing this is my PSP-2000 without pandora capability,..  

pandora works just can't make a panda battery ,. ;)
PSPident 0.74.2 signed coming soon.   :)  Yay

Off-topic Xplora 2.0 is coming out.
cool thanks for the update
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