Endless Paradigm

Full Version: *UPDATE*6.39 Downgrader by some1 released!
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Source: YouTube

someone from the wololo.net Forum has released his 6.39 Downgrade which should work on all PSP with Firmware 6.39,6.38,6.35 and 6.31!It downgrades to 6.20!

6.39 Downgrader v3.1

Download 6.39 Downgrader v3

the source link is down,. wololo the source ??

i wander whot Sony really changed in 639,. ;p
Nothing much except the change password thingy for PSN. :3
New Downgrader added!
I really like it:) BUT can I use this to downgrade my PSP-3000 [03g] to 5.03?
Sure. Downgrade it to 6.20, and then use 6.20TN-E for downgrading ;=)
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