23/05/2011, 03:29 PM
![[Image: lamecraft.png]](http://imageshack.us/m/46/72/lamecraft.png)
By PSP developer Drakon.
LameCraft - a game inspired by Minecraft, where you can destroy or build block world's. Each time a world is randomly generated.
- Better collision detection.
- Less graphics errors related to clipping.
- Small cubes are not clipped anymore near wall.
- Medium cube on the right - not animated yet.
- New option in game menu: "DevMode" - this will show fps,cpu/gpu usage,free memory...
- New option in game menu: "Take screenshot" - will make screen from the game and save it to the Lamecraft folder.
- In menu circle will work as "Back"
- In game menu you can turn off menu by pressing second time menu button.
- Simple sound in menu - testing audio lib.
- Analog stick - walking
- Cross,Square,Circle,Triangle - rotating
- Select - jump
- Up,Down - switching set of blocks
- Left,right - switching blocks
- Right trigger - place block
- Left trigger - remove block
- Start - menu
I have signed/compressed & added pic1 and icon0 (pic1/icon0 by General Jewel)
![[Image: psp_download_button_en.png]](http://ps-devices.qriocity.com/psp/img/psp_download_button_en.png)
Signed version drakon.ixan
Unsigned version drakon.ixan