Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] Easy 6.20 DualBoot Rev.B
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[Image: HNI_0065.JPG]

Easy 6.20 DualBoot by Rinnegatamante is the first way to use different 6.20 Permanent HENs in a single PSP.
It works on all PSP models (1000,2000,3000,N1000) and there isn't any risk of brick.
NOTE: On this version, 6.20 OFW boot isn't yet implemented.

Tested on:
PSP GO (N1004) DateCode: 9C
PSP Fat (1004) DateCode: 6D (MoBo TA-086)
PSP Slim (2004) DateCode: 7D (MoBo TA-085v2)
PSP Brite (3004) DateCode: 8C (MoBo TA-090v2)


Put PSP and seplugins folders into your PSP
Install 6.20 TN-x
Disable Flash0 Protection from Recovery Menu
Install Permanent Patch
Start Easy 6.20 DualBoot and Extract vshmain
Uninstall Permanent Patch
Install 6.20 PRO Xx
Install Permanent Patch
Start Easy 6.20 DualBoot and Extract vshmain
Uninstall Permanent Patch
Start Easy 6.20 DualBoot and Install DualBoot system modules

At the PSP startup, hold START. Then select OFW/HEN to use.

Extra Commands
At the PSP startup:
Hold R to start Recovery (ms0:/recovery.prx)
Hold O+X+SELECT+START to restore vshorig.prx (ms0:/vshorig.prx)

NOTE: During tests, there weren't cases of semibricks or bricks but, if you use Easy 6.20 DualBoot, you use it with your own risks.

- Main HEN function deleted because it cause conflicts with non-permanent rebootexes
- Changed emergency uninstall buttons (See README for newest buttons)
- Added 6.20 TN-E compatibility
- Made 6.20 TN-D as Main HEN
- Added possibility to remove Dualboot modules from Installer
- Enhanced Fake MS compatibility. Now, if you use a fake MS, you can start TN-D
- Added possibility to use PRO Recovery Menu (See README for buttons)
- Improved installation steps. Now, TN-D extraction isn't necesary
- Improved security system. Now, if you format your MS, you can start TN-D

very cool
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