You don't see me asking for suggestions often - but in this case I am.
Since I finished GTO I've only seen 3 or so episodes of Anime, as you know, rather uncharacteristic of me. Two weeks of none was due to my brothers being over but since then... I've barely seen anything. Now I realize that I need something genuinely good to get me going again.
I have serious titles to watch planned and covered - but I don't know what Comedy I should watch next.
Any suggestions?
the To-Love Ru Series the best comedy for me, hehehe
anyways my other suggestions.
Yamato Nadeshiko Shinge Henge
School Rumble
Galaxy Angel
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru
Yakitate Japan
Arakawa Under the Bridge
well maybe you have watched some of that though, hehehe
Southpark or Family Guy :D
* Sparker looks at what Sparker has.
Magipoka / Magical Pokan / Renkin 3-kyū Magical? Pokān (because of the different names for it, I put a link for a Wikipedia article.)
And Akikan
That's about it for ones I'm sure you might not have seen before.
eerr... maybe :
B-gata H-kei
baka to test to shoukanjuu
level e
Beelzebub, It's kind of funny
GTO's the only comedy anime I've seen that I can honestly recommend (only the best, for the sake of maintaining credibility), and I've already recommended that to you a few months ago, so nothing more from me.
Anyone else, if you want to best and highest rated comedy anime, GTO is the thing to watch.
krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]Yamato Nadeshiko Shinge Henge
Lol, I don't think he swings that way. Wait, you trolling?
krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]Rosario+Vampire
How is that comedy? Even Code Geass has more comedy than that.
Lucky Star!!!!

I must say Mitsudomoe and Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu! were hilarious.