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Gokujou Seitokai is kind of funny.
I don't know about comedy animes but have you seen the movie borat it is pretty old but you would laugh your donkey off.
Looking through my MAL, I think the only 2 comedy anime I can recommend is Cromartie High School and Level E. There's also school rumble but according to your MAL, you've dropped it so :/
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Just went through them with AniDB to get an idea on what they're about and made some picks.

If I ignored any, I've seen em ^^

Will Watch
Cromartie High School - Been meaning to watch this for ages.
Yakitate Japan - Looks like it could be funny - I like Slice of Life Comedy, but 69 episodes on bakery? Really? I might give it a go just to see what it's like though.
Mahoromatic - Seems to be well received and I like the sound of the plot. Will give this a shot.
Level E - Keep hearing good things about this, will watch.
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu - On Hold! But if its getting a second season I better get to it!

To-Love Ru - Ecchi... but I'll consider it as I've heard good things about it.
Moetan - Hard to tell if this will actually be good or not. 11 Episodes though.. may as well watch this at some point.

Probably Not
Akikan - Plot seems a little ridiculous but Anime is meant to be right? Not sure about this one though.
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge - Looks a bit odd pretty gay - like Assassinator pointed out. Is that an indication of what to expect?
Gokujou Seitokai - Not sure, might give it a try at some point though.
B-gata H-kei - I passed on this on season air and I'll pass now (unless anyone else objects)
School Rumble - Noticed it was suggested a few times, I might get around to trying it again at some point but first attempt I found it incredibly boring.
Magipoka - Plot doesn't really appeal to me.
Galaxy Angel - Slapstick comedy... pass for now.

Thanks again everyone - got stuff to watch now! Madwin
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]GTO's the only comedy anime I've seen that I can honestly recommend (only the best, for the sake of maintaining credibility), and I've already recommended that to you a few months ago, so nothing more from me.

Anyone else, if you want to best and highest rated comedy anime, GTO is the thing to watch.

krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]Yamato Nadeshiko Shinge Henge

[Image: 11302.jpg]

Lol, I don't think he swings that way.  Wait, you trolling?

krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]Rosario+Vampire

How is that comedy?  Even Code Geass has more comedy than that.

i find Rosario+Vampire funny to me (well most ecchi anime ive watch tends to be funny, lol)

i also have fun watching Yamato Nadeshiko mostly when they have gags in it, (not looking at the reverse harem part in it, since most lead characters here are look like gays, lol)

i find Code Geass a bit serious, lol

and also ive forgot, Full Metal Panic Fumuffu, i got hard laughs on it (maybe again because of its ecchiness, hehehe)

And yeah Yakitate Japan, you can learn cooking bread in a rice cooker in this anime, hehehe
I actually didn't suggest Sora No Otoshimono because it wasn't that good if you ask me, but it's decent. And Magikano, in my opinion, the absolute worse anime ever. It's a comedy which isn't even funny and sometimes it seems to try too hard to be funny making it's already bad humor fall over even harder.

Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Moetan - Hard to tell if this will actually be good or not. 11 Episodes though.. may as well
I think it's thirteen if you count the DVD specials. It's a good watch if you like Magical Girl anime or if you're just a lolicon.

Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Magipoka - Plot doesn't really appeal to me.
For a comedy, I actually somewhat liked it. I guess there is no real plot but eh, it's a comedy anime anyway.
Oh yeah i would recommend Sora no Otoshimono x)

hilarious stuffs with sudden plot injections at the end lol
I gave up halfway through forte, though in a way I am interested to know how the story ends so I might finish it eventually.
the comedy part in Forte has been lost in midway of its season, contrast in what the season 1 is better

but i like the different endings in it, hehehe
Quote:Cromartie High School - Been meaning to watch this for ages.

Man, I can't believe no one has urged to watch this yet. You should, its my personal favorite anime. It has a surprisingly good dub too!

Quote:To-Love Ru - Ecchi... but I'll consider it as I've heard good things about it.

I was also going to suggest Girls Bravo but if you don't like ecchi... well don't bother =|
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