22/05/2011, 02:54 AM
![[Image: tn-e.jpg]](http://www.pspfreak.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/tn-e.jpg)
The User Frostegater from the Wololo Forum has released his Permanent Patch for 6.20 TN-E (HEN) in v2!
1)Skip coldboot
2)Return of final test
3)Change Delete button vsh.txt, game.txt, pops.txt, version.txt in /seplugins/ on UP
4)If recovery.prx lies on a memory card, then it is loaded from there, if not, then it is loaded from the internal memory PSPgo, if not, then it is loaded from the flash0
5)To copy recovery.prx in flash0, put it in a folder with the installer and install the patch.