Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] LameCraft revision 106
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The developer Drakon released today a new revision of his popular Minecraft clone LameCraft. Only a small bug has been fixed in this revision. LameCraft is the perfect game for people who want to like to let their imagination run free and would like to create their own works of art.

-fixed crash bug when editing map near world end...



sweet thanks for this.
I keep downloading the updates, but I still haven't gotten around to playing it Hihi

Thanks for posting :D
At last, that bug is a pain in the donkey...

wow...thanks!this game is awesome  Madwin I have been playing this game 24/7!I hope in the next release it will include the sound to!! Adore
Rea_pErz Wrote: [ -> ]wow...thanks!this game is awesome  Madwin I have been playing this game 24/7!I hope in the next release it will include the sound to!! Adore

Oh! you're right! it doesn't have sounds..
Well I'm to focus to building my fortress..so i didn't notice that it doesn't have sounds!
-St0rMaGe- Wrote: [ -> ]
Rea_pErz Wrote: [ -> ]wow...thanks!this game is awesome  Madwin I have been playing this game 24/7!I hope in the next release it will include the sound to!! Adore

Oh! you're right! it doesn't have sounds..
Well I'm to focus to building my fortress..so i didn't notice that it doesn't have sounds!

wow!you're building a fortress?That must be cool.I just finished building my mini airport.it has a helicopter, a plane and a hangar.I read somewhere that Drakon will add sound and day and night mode!!
This stuff is nice, I really like it a lot:)
Thumbs uP for Drakon!
Yes! Day N Night! Night will be perfect for my TRON Pack which is on mah thread nao. :D Thanks Drakon!
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]Yes! Day N Night! Night will be perfect for my TRON Pack which is on mah thread nao. :D Thanks Drakon!

yeah!!I can't wait for your tron pack!!I'm sure its great!
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