18/05/2011, 09:54 PM
Michigan Tech Roommate Application is as Follows Wrote:First Name:(Censored)Last Name:(Censored)
Roommates are assigned by the same gender. Students in transition with special needs should contact Housing at housing@mtu.edu as early as possible to arrange accomodations.
Major:Mechanical EngineeringMinor:
Hall Preference:McNair HallPlease note that your chosen hall preference can not be guaranteed at this time due to possible space constraints.
Favorite type(s) of music:Techno, Rock, J-Rap,J-Rock
Pet Peeves:Weed, Drunk people, Drugs, Alcohol, People who touch all your stuff, People who are obnoxious.
What are your interests and hobbies?Computers, Art, Music, Gaming, Programming, Women, Anime
What do you expect from a roommate?Normalcy,
What can your roommate expect from you?Absolute Awkward Silence
Please list anything else that might be helpful for people to know about you. This could include more detail in what you are looking for in a roommate or things about you and your lifestyle.I live on a computer
Contact Information
E-Mail Address:rjfenton@mtu.edu
Phone:7028755023ICQ Number:--
AIM Name:--MSN Name:Slushba132
Yahoo! Name:Slushba132Google Name:--
Lifestyle Information
Your answers to these questions will be searchable by other students coming to Michigan Tech. You will be able to modify your answers later.
How social are you?I prefer to have time to myself to do my own thing.
CleaninessAs long as I can still move around the room, I'm happy.
Personal HygeineI make it a point to shower daily.
Tobacco ProductsI do not use tobacco products, and would prefer that my roommate does not.
Study LocationI prefer to study in the room by myself.
Study EnvironmentI like to have music playing or the TV on, but at a low volume level.
How often do you study?I have no idea; I need to discover the academic demands once I'm there.
Personal TimeI'd like an hour or two to just sit and think without anyone in the room each day.
Exercise/FitnessI enjoy staying fit by the means of club sports/intramurals.
How often do you plan to go home for the weekend?Never.
How often do you plan to have someone over for the weekend?Never.
How often do you go out with friends?Not at all.
Sharing ItemsI'll share community items like the fridge, microwave, TV.
I was really tempted to change the whole "What do you expect from a roommate?" to "single, hot, blond, female, otaku" but I was really worried that would drastically limit my results
Anyway thought this was funny, and if by some godly miracle one of you is going to Michigan Tech for the 2011 Fall Semester let me know. Maybe wee could hook up and be room-mates.