Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3
noticed that

[Image: 35-181-015-TS?$S125W$]CORSAIR CWCH60 Hydro Series H60 High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler

is better than

[Image: 35-181-010-TS?$S125W$]CORSAIR CWCH50-1 High Performance CPU Cooler

It's also cheaper oo

so I sent them an e-mail through their system thingy to change my order... hopefully they read it and can manage to do it :3
if not, it's no big deal
Samsung F4 2TB $69.99 shipped

$89.99 - $10 instant - $10 using code HARDOCPX518B (good til 5/24) = $69.99


boogschd Wrote: [ -> ]Samsung F4 2TB $69.99 shipped

$89.99 - $10 instant - $10 using code HARDOCPX518B (good til 5/24) = $69.99



Western Digital Caviar Black
7200 RPM
64MB Cache
SATA 6.0Gb/s
3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive

a drive designed for true performance/gaming
imo . you won't notice the difference between 3 gb/s vs 6 gb/s unless its an SSD
but whatever... orders been placed so.. meh :p
Should have waited like 1 more month for Bulldozer.  Then you can con your parents into getting that.
bulldozer? oo
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]bulldozer? oo

AMD FX series.

I looked it up lol
oh well
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]a drive designed for true performance/gaming

what, you mean an SSD? I don't see one on your list.
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