I fell so sad...
I have never felt my medical depression feel this bad before.
I'm so sad I'm unplugging myself from the web for a while
I don't even want to get out of bed.
Fuck life is a bitch sometimes.
This is goodbye for now.
Take it easy nukez.
Great thing is about EP is that this space is reserved for you to get things off your chest.
So if you're depressed, don't hold back - talking about what's on your mind will help.
sometimes i type a blog complain about spoon in life, by the time i finish, i was no longer depressed.
Dang, man. I knew someone who went through medical depression. He said it was really bad. Hope you get better.
I know how it feels to be depressed. I have had depression since I was 10 years old and I still have it. When I have good days, I'm really happy and somewhat hyper. But when it's bad, I'm crying all the time and feeling worthless, and then I snap at people for no reason. I also start feeling suicidal.
I used to blog about my feelings on Myspace (I deleted my account though) and I would feel better once I got my feelings out there (even if no one read it).
I guess letting your feelings out somewhere helps, because you're hoping someone will read it and understand, and also because it's great to let them out. I guess that's why therapists always recommend keeping a journal of some sort.
Hope you feel better too :)
Wish I could help, but have absolutely no idea how. Just hope it gets better.
Perhaps try some entertainment when you're feeling down. IDK if that works for you.