Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Find] Madoka Sketch Theme
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Found this theme around the place.
[Image: frmbuf000.png]
(note, I made the screenshot from a converted FW5.50 version - IDK if the PSN icon is meant to be like that - apologies if not)

Fairly simple - only icons and background customised, but simplicity has its niceties.
I'm guessing this is for FW6.20, but as it's simple, it should convert well in CTFTool GUI (thanks again patpat for the nice tool!).
Unfortunately I can't quite tell who this is made by (hard to recognise in preview pic).

Just posting for anyone interested.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?um9isjfu12b04lm

My primary criticism of this theme would be that the black & white background can make the white text with grey shadows a bit hard to read.  Perhaps one could be alleviated by giving the background a slight beige tinge and making the lines brownish, or something to that effect.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Unfortunately I can't quite tell who this is made by (hard to recognise in preview pic).

andysokk Wrote:This theme is actually made by someone called swsoyee.

I love it :3
Great looking theme!  Thanks for the heads up ZiNgA  Madwin
Hmmm.. nice, i like it.
Madoka has been the best anime this year so far.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Madoka has been the best anime this year so far.


Also, I really like this theme despite me not usually using such light themes.
lol. was looking for new madoka themes and noticed this. well, yes, this simple theme is made by swsoyee, which if I'm not wrong, is in a Taiwanese theme making group. However, he mostly makes simple PTF, (this is actually one of it.) I'm hoping someone will make a gameboot/cintro/coldboot, and requested for it, but seems like it'll take a while. and I tried to make one myself, failed. If
Please envelope to 6.60)
Ristarchik Wrote: [ -> ]Please envelope to 6.60)

конвертните темку на версию 6.60 (гугл транслитер - идиот::)
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