Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Yuru Yuri Anime This Summer
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So my 2nd favorite manga Yuru Yuri is getting an anime this Summer ! Yay
Offical Website
Manga Updates Info
It's not really Yuri  ,or even Shojo-Ai much either
I'm really looking forward to it ! Wonderful

Anybody heard of it ?
,Or know of  anything else that might be airing this summer ?
Hope HoTD Will get a Boost
Yuki.N Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody heard of it ?
,Or know of  anything else that might be airing this summer ?

Haven't heard of this and there is a thread on here for the Summer 2011 lineup
Hmm... from the title I was hoping it was a Yuri.

But it looks interesting :D
Looks cute! Will look forward to it.
Eh, I'll check it out.
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