Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE]CustomHOME 0.4 Beta
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Japanese developer ABCanG has decided to present his homebrew, the PSP will take part in the Genesis Competition 2011, is a plugin called CustomHOME which change the appearance of HOME menu and also adds some options to its interface.

Is similar in appearance to the HOME menu PlayStation 3, because when wee are in, see the background image of the game which wee play. However, the similarities in this aspect ends there, since it is impossible to navigate the XMB, unlike what happens with Sony desktop.

Quote:[Added] GameID is displayed (you can change it from settings.)
[Updated] PSPGo and homebrew support.
[Added] Added mute function (you can change it from settings.)
[Fix] Fixed the settings are not saved.

-Close the menu.
-Exit the game.
-Restarting the game (non-functional in TN 6.20).
-Turning the PSP.
-Standby mode.
-Choose language: English and Japanese.
-Displays the following information: Bar volume, brightness and name of the UMD / ISO.

By the way I have more posts than you. >: D
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]Nice.

By the way I have more posts than you. >: D

Hahahahahaha! indeed you have.
Nice works on  my PSP-Go :) now but the battery % can only be soon in 0,33,66 and 100% on a Go that's why that line is blinking i guess,..
Also i use pauze/resume game alot,. and isn't there,. everything else works Madwin
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