Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Downgrader for PSP v3.50 firmware
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I think it means TA-082 PSPs that downgraded to 1.50 previously and updated back to 3.10/3.11 won't be able to downgrade.
soo.. lets get this right lolz...
All PSP can get downgraded, but not the ones that already been downgraded before?
i thought its the other way round..new motherboards which have been downgraded will not let you go back to sony's firmware, untill noobz create a program to allow us to.
yup if you downgraded a TA-082 or later motherbord to 1.50 then updated to 3.10/3.11
you won't be able to update to 3.50 because of the sony check.
the noobies are crying now
Wow, the downgrader is faster than the new sony firmware with the fix! :P
Cool, My bro will be getting his PSP soo I have lumines :D, I just hope that they fix the sony checks.
What's a downgrader?
SO what who relly gives a spoon.
so if you downgrade you will not be abel to go back to sonys spoon

fudge it who cares
Gosh, what's up with all the hate and cutlery?!?  Inluv
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