Endless Paradigm

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PSHider is a PSP Plugin that allows you hiding any kind of app in the Game Section of XMB,I've taken the idea from TN-E "Hide HEN Executable" feature.

Quote:- How to -
Write the name of the folder of the Homebrew/Update/Game DLC you want to hide in the file hides.txt,and put it into ms0:/seplugins/
You can hide up to 50 folders,each folder name can't be longer than 100 characters;put just one folder name per line,so each folder name is separated by a newline

v1.0 (13/05/11) - First Release
SWEET! I actually started to try and find a plugin like this esterday, when I downloaded some god eater busrst dlc, off topic, THESE MISSIONS ARE HARD AS TITS!
Hmm the plugin doesn't work very well, it didnt hide the game specified, instead, it hid all of the iso files i had
it´s work by me not on 5.00m33-4 and not by 6.20TN-E-Fix

i try it
Homebrew/Update/Game DLC
ms0:/psp/game/Homebrew/Update/Game DLC
Homebrew/Update/Game DLC/eboot.pbp
Homebrew/Update/Game DLC/

nothing work
I think you did it wrong, all you have to do is put the name of the folder in the hides.txt like this...

and so on...

I only got it to work on 6.20 TN-E, not 6.20 PRO-B
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