-St0rMaGe- Wrote: [ -> ]guys guys, why not just pee in the car wheels or somethin'
at least the wheels are already dirty to be pissed......
I do that too, when I'm off roading, I just piss on the jeep's wheels, to get them clean n what not
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't,.. but i have done it! 
anyone evr drunk his or her own pee??
I think i did.....but i didn't drink it.....
just accidentally tasted it....

Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't,.. but i have done it! 
anyone evr drunk his or her own pee??
This is why it's a bad idea to pee in empty beer bottles.
Apparently peeing in the garden is good for your plants.
anyone tried peeing on someone elses' Fence or Wall ?
I am so fine with pee I'd drink it.
poo on the other hand... : |
I've pee'd in the shower before yes, haven't done it in years though.
Aspheric drinks PEE!!

Astronauts drink their pee all the time.
(though it's usually filtered)
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Aspheric drinks PEE!! 
I didn't say I did, I just said I'm fine with it!!